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SNMP Informant OS - OID Tree Listing

Shows objects made available to SNMP Informant

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WMI objects derived from Virtual Server 2005

| |
| +--vsVirtualMachineEntry(1) [vsvmIndex]
| |
| +-- r-n Integer32 vsvmIndex(1)
| +-- r-n WtcsDisplayString vsvmName(2)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 vsvmCpuUtilization(3)
| +-- r-n Counter64 vsvmDiskBytesRead(4)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 vsvmDiskSpaceUsed(5)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 vsvmDiskSpaceUsedK(6)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 vsvmDiskSpaceUsedM(7)
| +-- r-n Counter64 vsvmDiskBytesWritten(8)
| +-- r-n Counter64 vsvmHeartbeatCount(9)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 vsvmHeartbeatInterval(10)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 vsvmHeartbeatPercentage(11)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 vsvmHeartbeatRate(12)
| +-- r-n Counter64 vsvmNetworkBytesSent(13)
| +-- r-n Counter64 vsvmNetworkBytesReceived(14)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 vsvmPhysicalMemoryAllocated(15)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 vsvmPhysicalMemoryAllocatedK(16)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 vsvmPhysicalMemoryAllocatedM(17)
| +-- r-n Gauge32 vsvmUptime(18)
| |
| +--vsVirtualNetworkEntry(1) [vsvnIndex]
| |
| +-- r-n Integer32 vsvnIndex(1)
| +-- r-n WtcsDisplayString vsvnName(2)
| +-- r-n Counter64 vsvnBytesDropped(3)
| +-- r-n Counter64 vsvnBytesReceived(4)
| +-- r-n Counter64 vsvnBytesSent(5)
| +-- r-n Counter64 vsvnPacketsDropped(6)
| +-- r-n Counter64 vsvnPacketsReceived(7)
| +-- r-n Counter64 vsvnPacketsSent(8)
+-- r-n OctetString siVirtualServerVersion(999)